As promised, we received Module 2 after the submission of Module 3. Phew. When are all these will come to the end? And this time around, the module's even thicker than Module 1. *Breathe in. Breathe out.* Somehow, it discouraged me to get it done as I'm still in Raya mood.He he...
So, basically this module's all about photo editing. Guess all the skills for photo editing are there in this module since it's thicker from the other 2 modules we got so far. Correcting color cast, blending 2 images together,adjusting saturation just to name a few.Can't imagine for the number of slides after all the tutorials're done. Hik hik. Besides, there're many softwares featured in this module for each of the skills required in photo editing.
Here are some of the softwares:
1) Triscape FXFoto