Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Week 15 - Annyeonghi Gaseyo~_^

This is my last entry. So, as instructed, the last entry's going to be an entry for reflection. A reflection upon what have we been through during this course.

1) What do you like about blogging?

Blogging helps me to improve my writing skills as I've to write a weekly entry of what have we learned in that particular week. It also has improved my critical thinking as I have to reflect upon the lessons. That I tend to see things learned from a teacher's point of view.

2) What you don't like about blogging?

As this blog is particularly meant to post WEEKLY entries, hence, it's kind of hard for me to give my best in writing the entries as there were many other tasks from other subjects that I also have to meet the deadlines. So, I had to force myself to get the entries done in time though I myself did not satisfied with my pieces of writing in this blog.I know I could do better. But, it's a matter of time that distracted from giving my best in writing the entries.

3) What have you gained from blogging?

As I mentioned earlier, blogging has improved my critical thinking and also my writing skills.


As I have to post weekly entries, I tend to respond to lessons from the classes in a way of a teacher's point of view. Critical thinking did play an important role to give my responses as I reflected through the lessons for me to post in the entries. And to channel my ideas and opinions upon what I have been learning in this subject, of course it's through writing. To post the entries, it's somehow has improved my writing skills as I tried my best to put my ideas and opinions into words so that readers out there can get the messages of what I tried to tell.

4) What do you like about this course?

This course has improved my technological skills that I know I wouldn't have the chance to learn if not it's this course that offered the opportunity to acquire the related skills in technology. In fact, the modules given were the main medium for me to learn the technological skills that later could be used in creating appropriate teaching aids for my teaching purposes. I learned many new things regarding to technology, got great exposure to softwares that I never even knew or used before. It's indeed a great learning experience for me.

5) What you do not like about this course?

Personally, it would be better if the modules were given at the early beginning of the semester so that we would not run out of time getting things to get done in time. =)

6) What have you learnt from this course?

Obviously, I learned lots of technological skills from this course. Be it computer and internet skills, photo editing, audio editing, video editing etc. In fact, all the skills learned helped me to be a better 21st century teacher as I now know how to make use all the skills in preparing technological teaching aids to make my teaching be more interesting that the pupils can learn at their best.

7) What have you learnt from this course that you did not expect to?

I never expected this course to deal ONLY with technology since the course title itself 'Using and Developing Resources for the ESL Classroom' gave me the first impression that I'll deal with non-technological ones, on how to use and to develop the non-technological teaching resources.

8) What have you expected but you do not learn from this course?

As I mentioned just now, I expected that I'll learn on how to use and to develop NON-technological teaching resources. Instead, what I've learned were all about technology. And it's great! I could expand my skills in using technology for my teaching purposes then.

9) Comments regarding modules:

A) Module 1 (Computer and internet skills)

1.What do you like about this module?

It taught me with variety of skills regarding to internet and computer use. I've been introduced to many new softwares.

2. What do you not like about this module?

With so many applications and softwares that were to be downloaded from the internet, it somehow put my laptop security to be at risk from adwares, spywares, malwares and viruses.

3. What do you like about the task given for this module?

I got the chance to practice the skills learned from this module by completing the tasks given. I like the idea of having individual work, pair work and group work for the tasks.

4. What do you not like about the task given for this module?

So far, I'm okay with the tasks given.

5. What are the specific skills that you learn in this module?

Some of the skills that I learned are downloading, uploading, converting, encoding and storing files.

6. How the skills learnt in this module can help in the making and choosing of teaching aids for the ELT classroom?

With the skills learnt, I now know lots of resources from the internet (the websites and applications etc) on where to find appropriate teaching aids for my teaching purposes.

B) Module 2 (Photo editing skills)

1. What do you like about this module?

I've been exposed to many new softwares that can be used for photo editing.

2. What do you not like about this module?

It's disappointing to find that some of the tutorials in the module are not well explained where there are many important steps that have been skipped and not stated. In fact, some of the skills are left blank with no print screens on how to show the steps. Thus making us confused to follow the steps in the tutorials.

3. What do you like about the task given for this module?

It somehow helped me to practice my newly-acquired skills in photo editing.

4. What do you not like about the task given for this module?

It took time to edit photos so that they can be used in the teaching contexts for the pupils' learning.

5. What are the specific skills that you learn in this module?

I learnt on how to join 2 pictures together,cropping pictures, adding texts on the images etc.

6. How the skills learnt in this module can help in the making and choosing of teaching aids for the ELT classroom?

I can use authentic pictures and get them edited to suit with my teaching contexts.

C) Module 3 (Audio editing skills)

1. What do you like about this module?

It contains with different new softwares and applications to edit audio files.

2. What do you not like about this module?

So far, I'm okay with the module.

3.What do you like about the task given for this module?

I can apply my new skills in audio editing and make them into practice by completing the tasks given.

4.What do you not like about the task given for this module?

Nothing's wrong with the tasks.

5. What are the specific skills that you learn in this module?

I learned to join 2 songs together, to change the songs' pitch, to increase tempo and to upgrade sound, for examples.

6. How the skills learned in this module can help in the making and choosing of teaching aids for the ELT classroom?

I can make use of various songs other than nursery rhymes and edit them to suit with my teaching contexts to the pupils.

D) Module 4 (Video editing skills)

1. What do you like about this module?

I learned many new softwares regarding to video editing and got exposed to different ways on editing videos.

2. What do you not like about this module?

So far, I'm okay with the module.

3. What do you like about the task given for this module?

I can practice the skills that I've learned from this module upon completing the tasks given.

4. What do you not like about the task given for this module?

Perhaps, there should be further explanations regarding to the tasks given so that we can have clearer understanding on what should be done.

5. What are the specific skills that you learn in this module?

I learned on how to convert raw videos to different video formats, extracting pictures from video, joining files etc.

6. How the skills learnt in this module can help in the making and choosing of teaching aids for the ELT classroom?

I can edit the videos to suit with the learning contexts of the pupils. In fact, it is good to extract pictures from the videos used as they can help to trigger the pupils' interest upon the introduction of the learning, for example.

E) Module 5 (Software for ELT)

1. What do you like about this module?
It helped me to 'get to know' Ms. Publisher even better and has improved my basic skills in using Ms. Publisher for different purposes.

2. What do you not like about this module?

So far, I'm okay with the module.

3. What do you like about the task given for this module?

It gave us personal experience to create own brochures, pamphlets, business card etc.

4.What do you not like about the task given for this module?

Too much of works to complete the tasks.

5. What are the specific skills that you learn in this module?

I learned on how to make flyers, business card, envelope etc.

6. How the skills learnt in this module can help in the making and choosing of teaching aids for the ELT classroom?

I can make use of the skills learned from this module especially during my teaching times at school. Things regarding to school activities where it is essential to use Ms. Office Publisher to get the activities done. Flyers, pamphlets etc.

10. If you can change anything about this course, state what it is and elaborate?

I want to start giving out the modules to the students earlier, at beginning of the semester. If possible, starting from the second week of the semester so that we won't rush to complete all the 5 modules and tasks given just before the study week.

On a scale of 1-10, please rate your computing and technological skills for both before and after undergoing the course.

Before: 2 After: 6

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Week 14 - Modules and Submissions

Greetings, everyone!

It's the end of the semester. And it's the second last week. Yet we still have one more module to be done. Module 5. That one was given during the submission of Module 4 with all the tasks from the module- the individual work (splitting audio,images,video clip), pair work(the video making) and group work(the 4 lesson plans).

For individual work, I chose this video clip to complete the task. It's a song entitled 'Through My Window' by Shila. I chose this song because it's a song about unity. If you read through of its lyric and go in depth of it, you'll find that it's really a song for unity. In fact, the images in the video also tell you about unity. Unity in a friendship. Of mixed races that form the beauty of the friendship. And that also can be interpreted for unity in our Malaysian context. Of its citizen that consists of different races. =)

For pair work, this is the final end of our video making. Though it may sound boring to you, well as the title itself "The Environment" tells you, but the message in it, will really make you think, get you to ponder upon what have been happening around us. In fact, this video was intentionally made to suit with one of the themes in English Primary School Syllabus ' Saving Our Environment' for Year 5 pupils.Hope you guys enjoy it. =)

For group work, I've made use of the works done in individual part to be integrated in the lesson planning for Speaking skill. The rest of my group members also did the same because our theme for the 4 lesson plans was about unity in Malaysia.

Till then, see you in my LAST entry... =)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Week 13- Module 4 (Video Editing)

This week, we submitted all the tasks from Module 2 as well as the module itself. The individual work,of editing a photo, the pair work, of the e-book and the group work, of the lesson plans where all the skills in photo editing were used to create the teaching aids for the intended lesson planning. Phew.

Actually, I like the idea of having the tasks to be completed at the end of every modules that we received. Only then I can practice all the related skills in creating appropriate teaching aids especially for Task 3-lesson planning. Practice makes perfect,right?

Okay, let's get back to business. Erm...the highlight for this week class.

Done with Module 2, now came Module 4. It's all about video editing. New module means new skills for me to gain. Yeehaw~~

For this module, we dealt with, of course, new softwares that I've never used before in video editing. Guess some of them are even used by professionals out there who work in entertainment world.

These are the softwares that were to be used for the skills in video editing:

1) Any Video Converter

2) BS player

3)Cyberlink PowerDVD

4) FLV to AVI Converter

5) Free Studio

6) HJ-Split

7) Image Grab

8) Power Video Cutter

9) Prism Video Converter

10) Real Player

11) Riva FLV Encoder

12) SID Video Cutter & Splitter

13) VCD Cutter

14)Windows Media Player

15)Online Downloader

Yes there are Windows Media Player, Real Player and Cyberlink PowerDVD already installed in my laptop, but only now I know that they are not merely used for watching any movies like I used to do before, but you can make use of them for video editing. Well, that's interesting to learn! I like! I love to explore new things especially if I can make use of them later when it's necessary. Can't wait to finish completing all the tutorials in this module~ ^_~

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week 12- E-books. Continuation of Module 2. Introduction to Video Editng.

This week lesson concerned with the making of an e-book as part of the tasks for Module 2. And this was done in pairs. Me and Nazwan chose "Animals and Pets" as the theme for our e-book and it was intended for Year 3 pupils. Before proceeding to the process of creating our e-book, Pn. Foziah showed us some examples and the criteria of how an e-book should be.

So, in brief, an e-book should have:

1) a theme for its storyline.

2) setting (time and place)

3) a plot that shows the conflict, climax and resolution for the storyline

4) characterization (characters in the story)

5) navigational tools to make sure that the slides can work properly

6) clear and colorful pictures to portray the storyline

7) sound effects that come together with the e-book reading.

It was indeed a big help when Pn.Foziah showed us some examples of e-book with a brief information on how to create a good one. That me and my partner had some inspiration and ideas to create ours in a way that will be useful to the pupils' learning. In fact, with all the skills learned from photo editing in Module 2, we managed to edit the pictures that were to be inserted in our e-book.

As it is copyrighted, I decided to insert only the first page of the e-book entitled 'Going To the Zoo'. He he.

So, here is an overview of our e-book:

A trip to the zoo by a boy with his father and little sister. He shared his experience as he described the animals that he saw.

After coming out with the storyline and preparing the first draft of the e-book, we consulted Pn.Foziah for her words of wisdom. Yes, there were few changes that needed to be done.

After the consultation time, she showed us some edited videos of Chun and Ella that were made by their fans out there. She informed us that later we are to create one for each pair. Also these videos are samples for one of the tasks that are meant for Module 4, where we are going to deal with video editing. The videos gave us some basic ideas on how video editing should be done.

And for the task, my partner, Nazwan and I decided to choose 'Pollution' as the theme for our video editing task. Can't wait to create a meaningful video soon. ^_~

Before the class ended, we received a continuation of Module 2. That means, there were MORE tutorials for photo editing that needed to be done! *sighs*. Thought that the first part of the module was more than enough, yet we received another part. Though it's quite a lot, but for sure there are more new skills that are to gain from the tutorials. Aja-aja fighting!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Week 11- A Picture That Tells A Thousand Words

This week class we continued with the tasks for photo editing as to what stated in Module 2. And one of the tasks was to edit a picture that was to be uploaded in Photobucket. And for that, I chose 2 pictures that were joined together.

Picture A

Picture B

Using Adobe Photoshop, I cut the picture of the boy and the girl to be fit into the picture of the road. And I added some captions that narrated the story behind the joined picture.

So ta-daa~~~!!!

This was the final end for all the editing parts that I've done. I'm very satisfied with it.

So, moral of the story( he he he):

As a teacher, we are not to simply choose any pictures to be edited especially when it comes to teaching purposes. Instead, we should choose pictures that are related to the themes in the primary school syllabuses. Pictures that will help to stimulate the pupils' thinking in order to generate the ideas conveyed.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week 10 - B.O.B+ Hayley Williams +Maher Zain + M.Nasir + Siti Nurhaliza

This week, we were to submit 3 tasks for Module 3 which were related to audio editing. Task 1,we were asked to do a ringtone for any song chosen, task 2 we were to join 2 songs together and task 3 , we're to edit a song entitled 'Dua Insan Bercinta' by M.Nasir and Siti Nurhaliza. A song sung live by both of them.

Task 1

And for the ringtone task, I chose 'Airplanes' from B.O.B ft Hayley Williams. I used RealPlayer to cut the full-length song of 'Airplanes' to its chorus as the ringtone.

Task 2

For the second task, I chose songs from Maher Zain- Allahi Kya Karo and For The Rest of My Life to be joined together. And for that, I used Sony Vegas Pro 9 to join the two songs of Maher Zain.

Task 3

As for 'Dua Insan Bercinta', I used WavePad to cut out the introduction of the song, the clapping sound and to reduce the noise in the song as it's a song sung live in a concert.

These tasks gave me a chance to manipulate and to sharpen all the audio editing skills that I gained from Module 3 though. ^_~

And during the class, I showed all the 3 tasks to Pn. Foziah for her to first check on the quality of the works that I've done before submitting the final versions. Yes, there're few changes that I've to do to make the final versions of the 3 tasks be better ones. Aside from that, I took this chance to make full use of the 3-hour class by doing the remaining tutorials for Module 2 that're still not done yet.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week 9- Module 2(Photo Editing)

As promised, we received Module 2 after the submission of Module 3. Phew. When are all these will come to the end? And this time around, the module's even thicker than Module 1. *Breathe in. Breathe out.* Somehow, it discouraged me to get it done as I'm still in Raya mood.He he...

So, basically this module's all about photo editing. Guess all the skills for photo editing are there in this module since it's thicker from the other 2 modules we got so far. Correcting color cast, blending 2 images together,adjusting saturation just to name a few.Can't imagine for the number of slides after all the tutorials're done. Hik hik. Besides, there're many softwares featured in this module for each of the skills required in photo editing.

Here are some of the softwares:

1) Triscape FXFoto

2) ACDsee

3) Photscape
4) Photobucket

Hope that all the steps in the tutorials will improve my photo editing skills later. Instead of using Picnik, an online software, just like before,I then can manipulate my skills using these new softwares.^_~

Monday, September 6, 2010

Week 8 - Module 3 (Audio Editing)

Done with Module 1, now it's time for Module 3. Phew. It's all about audio editing. Module 2? Pn. Foziah said that she's not done yet with the compilation of Module 2.So, let's just proceeded to Module 3 instead.

Basically, in this module, we were to enhance our skills in audio editing related to:

1) changing speed, pitch cut and joining audio for making better quality audio files.

2) decreasing and increasing music tempo.

3) removing noise from audio, upgrading the quality of stupid audio files.

4) converting and encoding audio files

5) changing the type of audio files from wav to mp3

6) creating minus one

7) combining two songs

8) editing music and sound

9) saving and uploading songs

For each skill there will be a few softwares in this module that were to be used together. And I'm thrilled to complete all the tutorials in this module! Guess that my skills in audio editing will be getting better as the only thing that I know about audio editing is to convert video file to mp3 format using only Real Player. But now with new softwares that I never knew before, such as Sony Vegas, Sound Forge and Wavepad, just to name a few , I then can do lot better with audio editing for my favorite songs. ^ _~

Ah, yes. Not only with Module 2, we also have to complete 2 other assignments for this subject, the collection of technological and non-technological teaching aids for each years in primary school as well as 4 lesson plans for 4 language skills in English. All these have to be submitted after the Raya break. *sighs*.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Week 7 - Life Line for Module1

Here, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Pn. Foziah for being so understanding. She allowed us to complete the tutorials in Module 1 during her class. I felt very relieved as there were lots more that I have to complete.Though there were only 9 skills included, but there were quite a number of subtopics for each of the skills. Can you imagine with almost 20 subtopics for each skill plus all the steps of tutorials for each subtopic, I can't imagine how many slides are there for the whole completed module! Pheww~~

Therefore, I grabbed this opportunity to complete as much as possible all the tutorials during her class as there were many other assignments from my other 6 subjects in which I too have to meet the deadlines given! It WAS an abundance of works for me!!! Wise time management's all needed. How I wished that there's more than 24 hours in a day~~

Okay, stop whining! Back to business~Chiao

Monday, August 16, 2010

Week 6 - Module 1 ( Computer and Internet Skills)

As to what have been scheduled, we are going to do 5 modules throughout this course. And for this week class, we received Module 1 regarding to computer and internet skills.

So, basically this module comprises of skills related to:

1) Compressing files

2) Uploading files

3) Downloading files

4) Encoding materials

5) Storing files
6) Burning files

7) Scanning

8) Sending emails

9) Web search

With all these 9 skills, it is hoped that my computer and internet skills will gradually improve that I can use later in finding appropriate teaching materials for the pupils' learning. Overall, I can't wait to finish this very first module. With all the step-by-step tutorials for the 9 skills in the module, I really hope that I can finish this module just in time of submission. Aja-aja fighting!

Friday, August 13, 2010

week 5- Technological Teaching Aids~

Another week to come. This time around, we were told to expand the use of our teaching aids despite of the conventional ones that we used to do before. And for that, we were introduced to the wonders of technological teaching materials. How they can make our teaching sessions with the kids be better ones!Urm, aside from the board-and-chalk materials, why don't you integrate some technological use for the teaching aids?

And for us to get used to that, Pn. Foziah assigned us to find related teaching resources from the internet based on the topics given:

Year 4: Healthy Living

Year 5: Family First

Year 6: Wonderfully made

And to tell you, I was eager at first to do this task that me and my partner,Nazwan, have put our best efforts to gather the best teaching aids that can be integrated in the teaching of these 3 topics. There were various types of resources that were found useful to be used. Digital flashcards, videos, games, e-books, or even songs, well just to name a few.

Upon completing this task, I did realize that being as a 21st century teacher I have to be creative to vary my teaching aids to attract my pupils and make their learning experience be an effective one. In fact, using technological resources, I found that it is much easier and saves me more time.

As what I need to do is to google any related materials and with just simple clicks I can download or print out the resources found to be used in class. Perhaps, with combination of both kinds of teaching aids- technological and non-technological ones, can make the teaching and learning processes in the classroom be more effective, significant yet fun and interesting enough to suit with the pupils' learning preferences.

Monday, August 2, 2010

week 4- Class cancelled, peeps! ^_~

Got a call from our leader, Bahak. He woke me up informing me that the class for today has been cancelled! Yeehaw~!

Should I be happy? Of course, I AM. He he...Who would not want their morning classes be cancelled when you are not having enough sleep after you burnt the midnight oil completing your other assignments, right? I am one of the people. ^-^ Because I know that I won't be able to focus on the classes with my sleepy head.

Perhaps, after another hours of quality sleep, I can then start completing the rest of my assignments. Should not procrastinate time as abundance of assignments will fall on me sooner or later. Aja-aja fighting!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Week 3 -Susan Halliwell in the house peeps!

Oh, well. I mean she's NOT exactly in MK2. But, her piece of writing " Teaching English in the Primary Classroom" is what was introduced. It's totally different from our previous lessons before.

And for us to 'get to know' Halliwell better, we were divided into groups. And for this, we focused on chapter 1 which is ‘Working with Young Language Learners’. For me, I think it's a basic thing to do, first to know and to understand children's learning styles or natural attitudes in their learning process. How they behave and how they tend to respond and to react to situations around them. Only then we would be able to create lessons as well as teaching materials that are relevant to their learning preferences, right?

There are 6 points for us to ponder regarding to working with young LANGUAGE learners. And to understand them thoroughly, we then were divided into 6 small groups. Each group for each point. As for my group, we were assigned with this particular characteristic: "children's instinct for play and fun".

Okay, now spare me some of your precious time to read my words as I'm going to explain what is actually meant by this point. According to Halliwell, learning does take place in 2 ways: DIRECT and INDIRECT. For direct learning, it's a formal learning where the learners are conscious with that they ARE learning. Meanwhile for indirect learning, it is and informal learning where it's completely contrasted to direct learning in which the learners ARE learning unconsciously.

And it is mentioned that children often appear to learn at their best in an indirect way. They will subconsciously acquire knowledge and skills when there is some elements of fun in their learning. And the fun elements will define how is exactly INDIRECT learning
taking place in the children's learning.

In fact there are times where the children would be in their own world though the teacher is there in the class. What I mean is, the young learners would make the learning be as to what they wish it to be. This is where they will put some fun elements that would surely inject their learning process.

For instance, let's say the teacher gives a game for the children to play in order to practice their knowledge and understanding in giving directions to places. And that, there is a map with clues of places for them to practice giving out the right directions to the places mentioned. So, instead of making the game to be deadly dull for them, they sure would give some fun to the game. Adding sound effects of a honking car while giving signals here and there or even acting as if they are the taxi drivers while showing the directions to the 'tourists.

This proves that they are learning to practice giving out directions in an indirect way during their 'make-believe' play. They bring in whatever experiences they have from the outside class into their lesson to make their learning process be as fun as possible yet effective.In fact, through their sense of fun and play, the children are living the language for real. Also we can say that games do play a central role in individualizing personalities of the kids.

The discussion was completed by creating a slideshow for the given topic. Then each group was asked to present the topic and to explain it well to the class. We learned a lot from the clear and detailed presentations and explanations from each group.